‼️ Please make sure to follow all the steps in this guide ‼️
Do not be this noob, get yourself a NMZ tool by Wizard and go fully AFK !
Before starting the tool for the first time please make sure to "check images", this will tell you whether all images are found in the right directory.
In the download Folder, there will be 2 files the "NMZ Tool" and "images", they must be always in the same directory, the tool will use the images to detect objects in the OSRS client window, so just create a "Shortcut" and copy it to desktop for easy access.
- The tool will work on any resolution but the scaling must be 100%, and the lower the resolution the faster the detection will be, higher resolution can always be set to lower.
- Screen Scaling: The tool and the images used for the image recognition were optomized for the screen scaling to be 100%, if you are on a different scaling make sure to change it to 100%, if screen scaling is not on 100% the inventory objects and other interface elements will not be detected.
- Windows Resolution: The best performance of the tool will be on 1920 x 1080 resolution and lower, the tool will still work on different resolution( just make sure the scaling is set to 100% !) but the higher the resolution, the slower the image recognition will be.
- Faster Detection: If your monitor has higher resolution than 1920 x 1080, for example 4k ( 3840 x 2160 ), you can lower it to 1920 x 1080 on windows settings( just make sure the scaling is set to 100% !) and you will have the optimum settings.
!!! If you changed the scaling after you you opened the NMZ tool, please close any opened OSRS client and close the tool and restart them !!!
- The in-game brightness must be on the highest level for inventory objects to be detected by the tool, the images that are being used by the tool were taken on these settings.
- Windows brightness will not affect the detection.
- Make sure to turn "OFF" transparency from the chat box and side panels for resizable mode otherwise objects in inventory and message in chat box will not be detected.
- The Tool uses 2 methods to check if your character is out of Nightmare Zone, it checks for full hp and also checks for the message "you wake up feeling refreshed" that pops up after you are finished with NMZ, so for "resizable mode" you should have your chat box better not be minimized and should be up.
- Game Chat "ON" is recommended but not a must.
* The tool uses F9, F10, F11 keys, if you have these keybindings in the game it makes you switch tabs, specially if you want to pause and then resume, when the tool checks for rock cake and doesn't find it because you are in different tab it will stop !
- I will probably change it in the future where the user uses his own preferred keys to pause and stop.
- If you play on RuneLite the tool will perform a one time check on rock cake to check if "Guzzle" is on top, if it's on top then next guzzles will be directly left clicks otherwise just the regular way.
- In RuneLite, turn ON "Menu Entity Swapper" and to bring Guzzle on top simply press "shift" and "right click" on the rock cake and press "swap left click" and choose "Guzzle".
** In the RuneLite settings search for "RuneLite" and click the "gear" make sure that the option "Show display name in title" is unticked, this will hide your ingame name from the title bar and therefore your client window will be detected by the tool.
** RuneLite has its own NMZ overlays, just turn the whole plugin "OFF".
** Be careful not to have any overlays behind the original overlay of "Absorption points" otherwise the tool will have problems detecting it.
** Turn "OFF" Mouse Tooltips, it can hide the objects in the inventory and the detection could be blocked, for example if your mouse cursor is on an absorption potion and the Tooltip overlay comes over the rockcake, rock cake will not be found and will terminate the tool.
1 - Choose a client, official OSRS client or RuneLite.
2 - Set Account(s) to 1 HP: this functionality will set all accounts to 1hp before going into NMZ, if you go inside NMZ with full hp it will detect that you have full hp and assumes that you're out of NMZ and stops, so always get low hp before starting.
3 - Choose a potion type, overload is not available ( it's not worth it in my opinion, but still working on it).
4 - Start program: this will start the main tool functionality, you should start with low hp, if you start with gull hp it will stop assuming that you're out of NMZ.
+ For 1 def pures the best way I found and used was to use full inventory of absorption for melee training (40k-60k+ xp/h depending on the weapon and strength level) and 5 super ranging potion with blowpipe for ranging (70-80k xp/h).
+ For other builds with higher defence levels like Zerks / Piety Med / Mains, you can AFK for 4-6 hours, at around 80-85 defence you can afk full 6 hours.
Overload: I am trying to get it implemented correctly because currently it's problematic specially for 1 defence pures and when playing on more than one account. Your character could lose a lot of absorption points very fast resulting in less NMZ time which means less XP and less AFK, and the xp difference between super combat and overload is almost nothing plus you AFK longer in NMZ without the risk of losing absorption points resulting in more XP.
Imbued Heart: I will add it in future versions if users want it for magic training in NMZ.
Enjoy the AFK xp !